Monday, April 15, 2013

Partner with us!

Hello again!

As June 8th quickly approaches we are still struggling to raise enough support. The bracelets have helped us but we are in need for something more.

Melissa and I are both attempting to receive just 80 people who would be willing to partner with us and commit to donating $50 or whatever they are willing and able. The Lord is up to some amazing things in Uganda and has called us to be a part of it.

Uganda is a developing country desperate for education, housing, health, and just plain love. In Uganda I will be teaching children, helping to build homes for families, spreading the Gospel and loving on the Ugandan people.

I have grown up in Kensington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania growing in Christ and spreading the gospel to children. I feel like Kensington can still be ministered to but also feel as if there is a time to minister to somewhere other than home and now is our time. My desire is to spread the gospel to people who are hungry for Christ, hope and love; Uganda is hungry for Him.

Please pray about and consider supporting us in our mission. As I have mentioned we are looking for people to partner with us to send us where Christ has clearly called us to do His work. $50 dollars in a month is just a cutback on a coffee a day or something to that affect and it can change someone's life. Please let me know if you are willing to commit to partnering with me!

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