Monday, April 20, 2015

Africa is getting two visitors!

The time has finally come!! In one week, Melissa and I will be leaving to depart for Africa! 

A few years ago, we prayed about our journey to Africa to share the gospel, encourage and teach children, and help in any way that we could. After raising more than half the funds we needed, we were not able to earn enough. After being discouraged, we saw God's plan in the "not yet" when we heard about fires and fights in Uganda when we were supposed to be arriving. Our "not yet" was painful but after seeing how God worked, we are even more excited for the "go" we have finally received. All of our finances have been taken care of except for a few immunizations needed. 

On April 26th at 2:00, Melissa and I are scheduled to leave Philadelphia and be on our way to Uganda, Africa. While we are in Uganda, we will be working on things such as building, teaching, playing, sharing the gospel, working in the village, and all kinds of things that will be explained as we go through our time! I am scheduled to be gone for 1 month, leaving Africa the evening of May 25 and returning to Philadelphia the evening of the 26th. Melissa will be returning June 30th.

Nerves are setting in as I prepare to leave the country but peace is coming when I know God will carry out his plan in this mission. 

As we prepare to leave, I am sure many people will be asking what to pray for or maybe even what you can do? Well, first and foremost, we need prayer. You can be praying for the safety of flights to and from Uganda as well as safety and effectiveness while working and ministering. We could also use prayer for our final immunizations to be finished,
Anything offered will be accepted, prayer, donations, everything. We are currently working on providing some soccer balls to the children when we go as they LOVE to play but grounds often pop or ruin the balls. If you would like to donate soccer balls or funds for us to provide them, please feel free to contact either Melissa or I or click the donate button on Melissa's blog (like found below). 

The most important thing to us is prayer. Here, you will find frequent updates on what God is doing through us in Africa during our time there as well as different things you can be praying for each day (or couple days). I will be updating my blog as much as possible while away, so if you would like to follow, save the link to this page and feel free to tune in daily! If you would like to be in direct contact with me while I am gone, you can send emails to .
Thank you for ALL of the support from everyone who has helped us get to where we are now- bot
h prayerfully and financially. Stay tuned! :)
Melissa's blog can be followed at:

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