Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Whew! Where to begin!

24 hours of traveling! We started in Philadelphia on April 26, flew to DC, flew to Belgium, then to A city in Africa and continued after that to Uganda! After arriving at Entebbe airport, went through Ebola check, receiving our visas and then we found the two missionaries from Empower a Child and made our hour trip in a van to our home.

We spend the first day sleeping most away to get rid of jet lag (only worked for Melissa). We woke up later in the day and met the people we would be working with for the few weeks we are here.

Today, we helped and assisted in running a VBS with the children which consisted of games, bible lessons and even dental hygiene lessons for the children. We had a blast with the kids, getting to know more and Melissa getting to revisit some of the children from her last visit. So far, we have been staying in Kampala working with the city children but will be traveling to the village in a few short days to work in the church and the schools.

We have already been stretched in so many ways- getting uncomfortable so that we can become comfortable in a different level.

We will be updating again soon when we have more to come. Stay tuned for updates :)

-Lindsay and melissa

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