Thursday, April 30, 2015

Coming to the end of the first week!

Let me first tell you, this is a little longer of a post. There are some amazing and not so amazing things going on that you can be praying for so, please, read to the end!
Crazy, but amazing few days to start off our mission to Africa. Just to recap a little bit:

We traveled for 24 straight hours with little sleep. After traveling and finally arriving, we slept fairly late into the day, attempting to catch up with Jet lag (which didn't work well for me). When we finally woke up, we met the people we would be serving with.

The people we have come in contact with have been extremely welcoming and loving to us- every single one. I have never seen a community of people all so loving and welcoming in these circumstances.

So, to review the last two days for you: We have run a VBS both days. This VBS consisted of teaching the children bible lessons, running praise and worship, hygiene lessons, and even writing letters to the children's sponsors all over the world.  The children have been the main focus so far this week and I can't begin to explain how amazing and encouraging it has been. Uganda is a place so desperate for truth; every kid that comes in to the gates of the compound are genuinely seeking God's face in their lives-- they are even so well behaved and respectful! Here are just a few of my favorite photos from the last couple days.
 This is Aaron. He is "1 years and a half years". He is one of the most adorable children and will lay himself down when tired :)
 This is Gloria! She is "7 years and in P3 (equivalent to our 3rd grade)". She loves to smile for pictures! 
 This was my sweet little one, who loves to hold my hand and play with my finger nails and rings, haha. 
This is a photo of a child writing their letter to their sponsor, who helps provide food, school books, school supplies and clothing to the child and support their families as well as pray for them. Every few months, the child will write their sponsor and vice versa.

Just a story to share, to help understand the situations some of these families are in. Today, after the VBS and lunch we held for the children, a teen, who was known before this trip, was hanging out with us and having conversations, catching up and getting to know each other. Melissa and I wanted to walk to the store and go on a chapati trip. We invited him along, as well as went to visit his family and say hello. Upon entering the home, after some conversation, we found that they haven't been paying rent because the mother has been ill and jobless because of that. After more discussion, it became evident that the family of four had no food in their homes. Because of the money that was donated to Melissa and I, we were able to take the boy shopping at the grocery store to bring food home to his family. He walked away with all the staples that Africans tend to use, some snacks and drinks, and just things he actually wanted. In total, we spent about 34,000 shillings. When you take out the two things Melissa and I grabbed, the total was approximately 28,000 shillings. In American money, that is a total of about $25. We were able to provide this family with rice, flour, chips, juice, apples, sugar, and a bunch of other things that they can use to make many different meals and will last them for a good time. 

Take a second to take that in. This family was going without eating because they couldn't afford it, but to us, it is a simple $25 thing - like a few pizzas. The thing that got me the most, is when we first came in and asked how they were, there was no mention of needing things, it was "we are doing well". We actually had to ask several times if they needed anything and for them to let us help, we had to insist. The boy wants to study in America and play Futbol (soccer) professionally. 

God is stretching me in many ways! While here, he has opened my eyes to how I need to reevaluate my attitude on some things, but has also been teaching me trust and hope in him. After leaving the U.S, I received a text on the 29th, telling me my great grandmother passed away. Unfortunately, her funeral is on Tuesday, just about a week into the mission here in Africa. After much battling with God after the text came, I have finally begun to just trust Him. I want to be home for this funeral. I want to be in Africa, but being with my family in this time is very important. 

I would just ask that you join me in this prayer: If God wants me to stay in Africa, he will close all doors for access into America. If He is allowing me to leave and be with family, I pray he opens the doors necessary to leave and arrive in the states in time to be at the funeral. 

I have no doubt that either way, I am used. God has done amazing things just in this week at Uganda. If I were to walk away right now, I know He accomplished something through me. God has a plan in everything and with out a doubt, he has a plan in this as well. Uganda is absolutely beautiful and God is up to big things. The Ugandans are truly seeking the face of God; to be working with people who have a desire and longing to know God as their father is absolutely incredible. They have every single reason to push a "God" out of their lives, but many, many of the children and adults are seeking Him as God works through the volunteers and Empower A Child. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Whew! Where to begin!

24 hours of traveling! We started in Philadelphia on April 26, flew to DC, flew to Belgium, then to A city in Africa and continued after that to Uganda! After arriving at Entebbe airport, went through Ebola check, receiving our visas and then we found the two missionaries from Empower a Child and made our hour trip in a van to our home.

We spend the first day sleeping most away to get rid of jet lag (only worked for Melissa). We woke up later in the day and met the people we would be working with for the few weeks we are here.

Today, we helped and assisted in running a VBS with the children which consisted of games, bible lessons and even dental hygiene lessons for the children. We had a blast with the kids, getting to know more and Melissa getting to revisit some of the children from her last visit. So far, we have been staying in Kampala working with the city children but will be traveling to the village in a few short days to work in the church and the schools.

We have already been stretched in so many ways- getting uncomfortable so that we can become comfortable in a different level.

We will be updating again soon when we have more to come. Stay tuned for updates :)

-Lindsay and melissa

Monday, April 20, 2015

Africa is getting two visitors!

The time has finally come!! In one week, Melissa and I will be leaving to depart for Africa! 

A few years ago, we prayed about our journey to Africa to share the gospel, encourage and teach children, and help in any way that we could. After raising more than half the funds we needed, we were not able to earn enough. After being discouraged, we saw God's plan in the "not yet" when we heard about fires and fights in Uganda when we were supposed to be arriving. Our "not yet" was painful but after seeing how God worked, we are even more excited for the "go" we have finally received. All of our finances have been taken care of except for a few immunizations needed. 

On April 26th at 2:00, Melissa and I are scheduled to leave Philadelphia and be on our way to Uganda, Africa. While we are in Uganda, we will be working on things such as building, teaching, playing, sharing the gospel, working in the village, and all kinds of things that will be explained as we go through our time! I am scheduled to be gone for 1 month, leaving Africa the evening of May 25 and returning to Philadelphia the evening of the 26th. Melissa will be returning June 30th.

Nerves are setting in as I prepare to leave the country but peace is coming when I know God will carry out his plan in this mission. 

As we prepare to leave, I am sure many people will be asking what to pray for or maybe even what you can do? Well, first and foremost, we need prayer. You can be praying for the safety of flights to and from Uganda as well as safety and effectiveness while working and ministering. We could also use prayer for our final immunizations to be finished,
Anything offered will be accepted, prayer, donations, everything. We are currently working on providing some soccer balls to the children when we go as they LOVE to play but grounds often pop or ruin the balls. If you would like to donate soccer balls or funds for us to provide them, please feel free to contact either Melissa or I or click the donate button on Melissa's blog (like found below). 

The most important thing to us is prayer. Here, you will find frequent updates on what God is doing through us in Africa during our time there as well as different things you can be praying for each day (or couple days). I will be updating my blog as much as possible while away, so if you would like to follow, save the link to this page and feel free to tune in daily! If you would like to be in direct contact with me while I am gone, you can send emails to .
Thank you for ALL of the support from everyone who has helped us get to where we are now- bot
h prayerfully and financially. Stay tuned! :)
Melissa's blog can be followed at:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Partner with us!

Hello again!

As June 8th quickly approaches we are still struggling to raise enough support. The bracelets have helped us but we are in need for something more.

Melissa and I are both attempting to receive just 80 people who would be willing to partner with us and commit to donating $50 or whatever they are willing and able. The Lord is up to some amazing things in Uganda and has called us to be a part of it.

Uganda is a developing country desperate for education, housing, health, and just plain love. In Uganda I will be teaching children, helping to build homes for families, spreading the Gospel and loving on the Ugandan people.

I have grown up in Kensington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania growing in Christ and spreading the gospel to children. I feel like Kensington can still be ministered to but also feel as if there is a time to minister to somewhere other than home and now is our time. My desire is to spread the gospel to people who are hungry for Christ, hope and love; Uganda is hungry for Him.

Please pray about and consider supporting us in our mission. As I have mentioned we are looking for people to partner with us to send us where Christ has clearly called us to do His work. $50 dollars in a month is just a cutback on a coffee a day or something to that affect and it can change someone's life. Please let me know if you are willing to commit to partnering with me!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ugandan Paper BEad Bracelets!

ok! So as most of you know, Melissa and I are selling Ugandan paper bead bracelets to help raise funds to for our trip to Uganda on June 8, 2013.

Below we have named the bracelets to make it easier to determine which one you would like. If you are considering purchasing a paper bead bracelet made in Uganda please take a look at the options available below. At the bottom of this post there will be a link to Melissa's blog where there is a paypal button available for easy purchases :)

 Black Cherry

 Cheshire Cat

 Darth Vader


 Fire and Ice

 Death Star



 Candy Cane




 Pinky and the Brain








Rustic Flyers

To order a bracelet online visit Melissa's blog. In top right hand corner is a link to paypal where you can make your purchases, but be quick, we have limited amounts of each design!
Melissa's blog- A Servants Heart Hebrews 6:10

Thank you, and we appreciate all of your support!! Please keep our mission in constant prayer!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

The mission!


         My name is Lindsay and I would like to thank you for taking the time to learn about my call to missions and for considering supporting me in serving in Uganda. 

         I have been given the greatest opportunity to travel to Africa and serve the Ugandans with a fellow sister in Christ, Melissa. We will be residing within a Mission organization's base where we will be ministering to adults and children of all ages. There are possibilities to build homes and wells, teach school aged children, talk with adults, love on children and so much more. 

         I worked up this blog so I can keep everyone updated on fundraising as well as updates when I am actually in Uganda over the Summer. I derived the name "A Call for Faith" because this trip is not going to be a simple and easy one. Going to Uganda is a GIANT step of faith for me. I am not a person to want to travel out of my way to talk to people nor I am I the type of person to want to travel away from home let alone the other side of the world! Despite my initial discomfort, fear and anxiety  I am no doubt at peace. I believe with all my heart that I am being called to witness in Uganda. During the mission to Uganda I plan to utilize my abilities with youth. I am VERY excited to take my teaching abilities to Uganda. I LOVE to teach and although I am shy at first I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share across the world to children interested and a place in need of teachers. I also plan to utilize my abilities in athletics to teach the children different sports, games and just have fun running around with them. I will also be taking my artistic abilities with me. I am a talented artist who works specifically (but not limited to) graffiti. (If you wish to see the work check out

 Romans 12:6- “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.”

Melissa has been to Uganda before. Read her story here or on her blog at

          ~ Melissa:            I am very excited and pleased to inform you all: I have been given the most wonderful opportunity to travel back to Uganda with Empower A Child (EAC).  My first mission trip to Uganda back in October 2012 was absolutely amazing and life changing!  During my first trip, I met many people, made lasting & encouraging friendships, and had multitude of cherishing moments with the children.  God’s plans far exceeded my plans, expectations and desires; the Holy Spirit led me to do things I never imagined I would do.  When I was in Uganda we conducted ministries and out reaches in Kampala and Zirobwe.  The ministries included: teaching English, children’s programs—praise & worship, Bible lesson, games—praising with high school students, volunteering at a babies’ home, visiting a children’s hospital, a feeding program, and Sunday children’s church.  I am very much an in the background kind of person; however, God had other plans.  I taught English kindergarten and 1st grade classes, spoke at a high school, taught a toddler Sunday school class, taught a Bible lesson to all the students at a primary school, and I sang & danced with the children.  Those are things far beyond my comfort zone, and things I never thought I would actually work up a nerve to do; however, the Holy Spirit is powerful!  Also, a good friend of mine, Lindsay, will be joining me on this journey!
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10

                The trip will be roughly from June 8th through August 14th.  Since this is a big trip, a large sum of money is needed to be raised; good thing our God is grand!  In order to make this trip happen we (together) need to raise roughly $8000 dollars in three months.  This cost includes: living expenses, vaccinations (TONS of vaccinations J), travel insurance, airline tickets, a Visa, the administration fees and the stay itself.  As you can see, this trip is costly and any donation you are able to provide is greatly appreciated!
                Also, we would love to bring soccer balls and dolls over for the children.  Therefore, overflow of support will go towards purchasing those items for the children.

If you feel led to support us financially, please send your greatly appreciated donation to:
                        Cornerstone Community Church
                        3167 Frankford Ave
                        Philadelphia, PA 19134
Make checks payable to Cornerstone Community Church, and in the memo line write: Uganda Missions.
Please include a note stating the donation is for Melissa’s and/or Lindsay’s Uganda mission trip.

                Also, please shower us with your prayers!   Melissa has traveled to Africa before; however, Lindsay has not and this is a huge step in faith.  Please pray for us to completely trust Jesus, funds to be raised in time (Three months to raise $8000, we are insane right?! No, as sure as Jesus called us, he will provide!), boldness to step out of our comfort zones, lives to be changed and our safety.  Pray for our obedience to God’s calling that we may be instrumental to bringing the good news, that we will be filled with a loving and servant’s heart and for safety & well being.  Pray for the people of Uganda.  Additionally, in Spirit, pray for what is on your heart regarding us and our mission.  Lastly, pray for us as our hearts are so filled and blessed with this opportunity, we stay focused on Jesus and make sure His will is done in all we do.
"God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful." 1 Thessalonians 5:24
"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." Matthew 21:22

* If you want to learn more about Empower A Child, please visit:
* You may visit Lindsay or Melissa’s blog for previous experience, additional & detailed information, updates and pictures throughout our mission:
* Feel free to e-mail us with any inquiries; be sure to specify whom you would like to communicate with in the subject  line:

In Christ’s powerful & holy name,
Lindsay McKenna & Melissa Solter